Sunday, November 17, 2019

Paper Models

I like paper models but tend (for personal reasons) to stay away from depictions of weapon systems that were used to kill people. In other words no guns, tanks, and despite their beauty no warships.

That is not to say that I am not willing to work with military models.  My love os ships I can satisfy with Naval Auxillary and  Coast Guard vessels.  The M88 Hercules will get me my tracked vehicle fix.  Logistic vessels and vehicles of all types are all interesting.  In fact, there are four that I really want to find and build.

A quote from "The Great Crusade" by General Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Incidentally, four other pieces of equipment that most senior officers came to regard as among the most vital to our success in Africa and Europe were the bulldozer, the jeep, the 2-1/2 - ton truck and the C-47 airplane."
Let me introduce the D-7 Caterpillar tractor with an installed LeTourneau bulldozer. The bulldozer being the blade on the front of the "Crawler" along with the installed lifting system including overhead cables.


The Jeep

Designated as the Willys MB, the Ford GPW, both formally called the U.S. Army Truck, ​14-ton, 4×4, Command Reconnaissance, G503, or just Jeep. 

File:Covered Willy's jeep Wings Over Wine Country 2007.JPG

The GMC CCKW"Jimmy"G-508, or "Deuce and a Half"   Among other things this cargo truck formed the backbone of the "Red Ball Express."

File:GMC 2 Half-ton 6x6 Truck.jpg

C-47 Skytrain or Dakota as used by other nations.  The example below is being used to fly the hump over the Hymalaysa to resupply Chinese forces against the Japanese.

Image result for c47 burma

posted by Y.H.N.

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